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General Discussion / Thank you!
« Last post by tee on February 03, 2022, 11:17:26 pm »
 Where have you been during my 50 years of tennis frustration?  Like you, I am a student of the game.  I've coached high school teams, taught tennis at public parks, and have my USPTA and PTR certifications.  But I'm a lousy player.  Great shots followed by poor ones.  I can slay the Lobster, kick and slice serves when there is nobody to receive them.... but in a game - CHOKE!

i'm looking forward to reading through your site and studying the animations. 

General Discussion / Re: racquet head speed
« Last post by etbandung on October 26, 2021, 06:08:55 am »
maybe watching some professional tips would be help
General Discussion / Re: 2 handed backhand Review
« Last post by etbandung on August 05, 2021, 01:56:40 am »
great posture i hope you could show us more freestyle that would be awesome !
General Discussion / racquet head speed
« Last post by motennis on January 04, 2021, 05:47:10 pm »
Is racquet head speed increase with step-in early?  Or does it matter what stance is used as long as there is racquet head speed?  Explain exactly what "weight behind the ball" means.
Hi all,

Great site, lots of helpful and interesting content.  :)

I’ve been struggling with my FH and the curse of black pearls for over 40 years.  :-[

Beyond the black pearls, I strongly believe/suspect it’s directly correlated to my lack of wrist extension, I’m barely able to achieve 40 degrees (70-90 is normal range) and therefore struggle with creating lag and getting snap.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? If there’s a fix or workaround I’m grateful to hear it
General Discussion / Teaching impulse to 10 year old and also grip looseness
« Last post by yogic_tennis on October 01, 2020, 09:27:30 pm »
Hi, firstly amazing website and tons of great into. I am an old school player that learnt the modern strokes over the last 10 years, but never been any good at it. I tried the 'impulse' technique last week, and what an amazing difference!
I had 2 questions that I was hoping I might get some answers into:
1) Does anyone know a good mental image/method of teaching an 'impulse' hitting technique to a 10 year old? My son is a good tennis player and have decent strokes, but poor consistency, however my various attempts at trying to explain what this 'impulse' method was has not met with any success.
2) In terms of grip strength, I was thinking that to get a really strong 'impulse' would it make sense to tense up the arm just before impact to basically stop the racket right at impact, kind of like how a "newton's cradle' toy, the ball that is impacting completely stops on impact to transfer maximum momentum. You can of course relax the arm once the hit is done to allow the arm to continue on the trajectory, or is this simply a bad idea and we should keep the arm relaxed throughout, and use the weight transfer to 'wave' the momentum?
General Discussion / Nice website (for us thinkers)
« Last post by Costa87 on July 26, 2020, 04:15:09 am »

I stumbled on your website and i am impressed how detailed it is. I find it funny that you (like me) think so much about tennis. My tenniscoach always says i shouldn't think but i should just act and only think about strategy. But i cant help but do research on how to improve my shots. I was actually specifically looking for a 3D model in which tennisshots where simulated for me to understand the math/angles better. Your website is the only one i found with these 3D models and i really like them :). I actually found your website because i am trying to hit topspin on my one handed backhand which i find superhard compared to my forehand.

Anyway, l love your website and keep up the good work. I hope you still have time to play tennis (with the coronovirus around).


PS: Can you specify that you want your answer written in words and not numbers with the question "How many nets on a tennis court"?
General Discussion / Re: 2 handed backhand Review
« Last post by Mortsnets on January 02, 2020, 10:49:28 pm »
I don't see a seperate unit turn.
General Discussion / Re: 2 handed backhand Review
« Last post by Quest on August 02, 2019, 05:17:13 pm »
Many thanks! I'll try to put these tips into action - soft hands is a must, and a bit more power is exactly what i was looking for.  I've give your tips a whirl and see how it goes, keep up the good work with the site! It's super informative
General Discussion / Unconscionable Errors (Doofus Syndrome)
« Last post by ctphelps on May 31, 2019, 08:33:57 am »
Whoa!  I think ... I hope ... I have found the fix for one the most pernicious and embarrassing tennis bugs out there:  the tendency we all have to make random, inexplicable, improbable errors.  I am talking about dumping the sitter into the net, whiffing the forehand (with feet to spare), thwacking the volley over the back fence,  shanking the serve, lofting the drop shot, and  feeding the net man a juicy six-foot lob he can use to massacre your doubles partner. To be an unconscionable error the shot has to be a complete gimme and you must miss it spectacularly. 

The solution is both trivial and nearly impossible: it is tracking the ball - from your opponent's sweet spot to yours.  It is predicting exactly where, in spacetime, your racket face will encounter the ball beginning the instant the ball leaves their racket  and updating that estimate every few milliseconds right up to the moment of contact (MOC).  It is beginning to prepare for the MOC before the report of your opponent's strike reaches your ear.    It is NOT, I repeat, NOT passively 'watching the ball', which is what most players do most of the time and even the great ones do occasionally.  If you can will yourself to track the ball, the results are amazing: better footwork, fewer miss-hits, fewer errors, better handling of bad bounces, more solid contact, more spin, more pace, more fun!  The hard part is remembering to do it every time.  Tracking can improve with practice and training but I don't believe it is ever automatic - the slightest distraction, either external or internal, and 'poof', it is gone. 

Anyway look for a major revision of the Unconscionable Errors (Doofus Syndrome) section of the site and try it out for yourself.  Let me know what you experience!
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